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Night Goblin - By Bill Silvey 

Frequency: Uncommon
No. Appearing: 2-200
Armor Class: 4
Move: 6"
Hit Dice: 2+2
% In Lair: 40%
Treasure Type: C,E
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: By Weapon
Special Attacks: See Below
Special Defense: See Below
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Low
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Size: S (4' tall)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
Level/X.P. Value:
III/35 + 5 per hit point

Night Goblins are a particularly vile sort of goblin which has recently been discovered in dismal forgotten places; slightly larger and more muscular than typical goblins, these creatures are also fiercer and fight more ruthlessly than their lesser cousins. They are keen workers of metal, and wield cruel scimitars and barbed spears, and know magical weapons when they see them and will use them if they are available (5% chance a warlord will carry a magic weapon).

Ranks and organizations are along the same lines as "normal" goblins; however, a special type of Night Goblin has appeared that has struck fear into the heart of the boldest adventurer: the Night Goblin Fanatic.

The Fanatic is a Night Goblin which has consumed a toxic and hallucinogenic brew made from lichens and funguses found in the dark places of the earth. When they drink the potion, they gain the following abilities:

They attack as a 4 hit-die creature.

They have an equivalent 18/10 strength (and do extra damage accordingly)

They wield a giant-headed flail and will break their own ranks to rush in to a group of tightly packed adventurers and spin wildly, holding the flail outward and turning in circles. When they so attack, they will attack every target within 5' of themselves until they hit - at which point the flail of course stops (only after doing 2-8 + 5 points of damage!) They can also be parried; this will effectively stop them. 
For every 40 Night Goblins, one Night Goblin Fanatic will be present.

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