So how does the enterprising Dungeon Master haul enough townspeople, XP-fodder monsters, important NPCs, key villains, and various and sundry other "monsters" from one game to the next?

Answer: very carefully. Okay, bad joke on my part. But, seriously, if you're a stickler for one mini for every critter (and I am), or if you've just got a boatload of the things (and I do!), then you've got a bit of a problem on your hands. Obviously, the solution is to buy some sort of carrying case, or make your own. Having tried the latter, I can testify that it's not as easy as it seems: finding the exact case and then cutting and inserting foam in it can be a time consuming affair.

So for the DM (or war gamer) on the go, what's the best case to get?

For me, it's the wares from the folks at Charon Productions. I recently purchased a Skirmishpack carrying case for my wife (that's Mrs. Delver), and I have to say I am impressed. The whole 'pack is well made of black nylon, with rigid sides and deep enough to hold two full egg-crate foam trays in either side. This equates to about 200 or so 25-28mm minis (we mix and match liberally) held securely by the trays.

The case itself also has zippered exterior side-pockets to put the ever-needed character sheets, DM notes, pizza coupons and the like into. A mesh internal side pocket can hold items like this as well. Overall, the Skirmishpack is a fine product, and I'm glad we own one to haul the dungeon denizens around in. The snug grip on minis by the egg-carton foam style inserts means there's never that heart-wrenching "clatter" of a dozen minis painstakingly painted by my wife colliding with the bottom of the case. If I've got any regrets, it's that I didn't get her the full Battlepack (a larger-capacity carrying case which moves roughly twice the miniatures). When all was said and done a few minis were left out in the cold!

If we've got any quibbles with the 'Pack, it's that there was, at the time of purchase, no "slotted" foam inserts, just the egg-crate. According to Charon Production's website, more minis fit in with the slotted foam inserts, so we'd have preferred those. Hopefully by the time of this writing, Charon Productions has those trays available as an option.

Before I forget, I would like to mention the great service from the folks at Charon Productions. Andrew Lucas was in touch with me the minute I queried the newsgroups, looking for case options, and insured that the case was on my doorstep in time for the holidays, and always there with a follow-up email. Thanks, Andrew!

Coming soon: pictures of the Skirmishpack in "action"!


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